Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Business as Usual - Denise Grover Swank

I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  Free books do not buy my positive regard, although they're nice.  What follows is my true opinion.

I really enjoyed this book a great deal and I like it a lot!  If you like a nice romance, you will too.

This is the 3rd book in Swank's Off the Subject series, and for my money it's the best one yet. The story is believable, the plot is tight, and the dialogue is pretty good for the most part.

I love Swank's writing style.  She doesn't bog me down in a lot of unnecessary descriptions when telling her story. For instance, I want to know what size the bed is, but I don't need a stitch-by-stitch description of the pillows, comforter, and duvet, you know what I mean?  I like that we're telling a love story, not writing a piece for BHG!

The story is simple: Girl meets boy. They fall in love.  Happily ever after. Right?  Well...

Lexi, also known as Alexa, has had a rough time the last year or so.  She met a bad guy, he did bad things, and now she's basically trying to start over at a new college, away from her Boston home, with her brother Reed as her guard dog.  She's doing great things with some charity work, but she doesn't have much of a social life. Until, that is, her friends drag her to a bar where she meets Ben. Of course, she happens to be wearing a wig at the time, and decides to try on a new persona in a bar she never expects to return to.

Ben has had a hard time, too. He doesn't come from money, as so many of his classmates do, and he's working hard for his education after losing his scholarships to some bad, and untrue, allegations made about him.  So, three jobs, plus studying all the time, plus the break-up of a bad relationship, make Ben a pretty lonely guy.  Then he meets Alexa, and all bets are off. No matter how much of his limited sleep he has to give up, he intends to get the girl.  When he realizes that her hyper-vigilant, overprotective, completely unreasonable brother is one of his bosses... well, love is never smooth sailing, is it?

We see the characters from the previous two books here (Reed and Caroline from Redesigned play a big part in this story, since Lexi is Reed's sister and room mate), and it's nice to check in on them.  There's a subplot about Reed and Caroline that's directly related to the main conflict, and there's a weird little thing with Caroline's last room mate that's just weird.  It's never really resolved to my satisfaction. WHY was she so interested in... whatever.  I'm kind of hoping the next book in this series is actually about Tina, but we'll see.

So, overall, I really enjoyed this book.  I think Swank grows in her talent with every book she pens, and she writes a LOT of books!  I really want to give this book 4 1/2 stars, if I had stars to give here, because the unresolved Tina thing really bugs me.  Also because, well, no one is perfect and there are a couple of things I found annoying but I'm not really mentioning them here because you might not. And besides, they're not enough to ruin my enjoyment of the book. 

Go buy this book on April 10!   Also, the 2nd book in this series is only 99 cents on Amazon right now!

Buy on

#1 - After Math            #2 - Redesigned          #3 - Business as Usual (Preorder)

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